Follow the steps below
1- Your summary should be at least 150-200 words.
2- If you are going to make a presentation in Turkish, it is obligatory to add an English abstract to your abstract.
3- There must be at least 3 keywords.
4- Your abstract should be written in Times New Roman 12 point font.
5- All letters of the title must be in UPPERCASE.
6- “Title, name and surname, university, ORCID number, e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers of the authors should be written under the title.”
For Summary Sample
1- It must be at least 4 pages.
2- It should include Abstract, Introduction, Main Title, Conclusion and Discussion, and References sections.
3- The similarity rate of your full text must be below 30%.
4- It must contain all the information specified in Article 6 of the summary rules.
For Full Text Sample